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ACQ 2016-1



Setting up safe anchorages

The situation
Members will be aware of the recent news that pirates may have started to target tankers in South Asian waters for the purpose of hijackings and cargo thefts.

This is a very serious new development for piracy risks in these waters, which are already the location of theft and armed robbery incidents.

Steps taken in response
The Association has learned that Indonesian authorities are seeking to tackle the issue of security in their national waters and are taken further steps, including steps by the Indonesian Marine Police, in having designated safe anchorages within some ports, which will be monitored and patrolled regularly.

Information from Intercargo includes that the designated areas at which such anchorages are to be set up are:

  1. Belawan: 03:55.00N-098:45.30E
  2. Dumai: 01:42.00N-101:28.00E
  3. Nipah: 01:07.30N-103:37.00E
  4. Tanjung Priok: 06:00.30S-106:54.00E
  5. Gresik: 07:09.00S-112:40.00E
  6. Taboneo: 04:41.30S-114:28.00E
  7. Adang bay: 01:40.00S-116:40.00E
  8. Muara Berau: 00:17.00S-117:36.00E
  9. Muara Jawa: 01:09.00S-117:13.00E
  10. Balikpapan: 01:22.00S-116:53.00E

As more information becomes available about this arrangement, the Association would advise further.

Members should always seek latest information from local shipping agents in any event.

In the meantime, as this information is still very new, members are asked to let the Association know what their practical experience may be with respect to these arrangements.

Further advice
Furthermore, it was advised by Intercargo, it is possible to report all incidents of piracy and armed robbery to the IMB's 24-hour manned Piracy Reporting Centre.

Contact details can be found at:

This will enable the Centre to relay the information to the local law enforcement but also broadcast the incident (without the vessel name) to all ships thus raising awareness.

Additionally the IMB offers the latest piracy reports free of charge.

To request a PDF version of the report by email, please visit:

Latest attacks may also be viewed on the IMB Live Piracy Map at:

In the meantime, the Association is closely monitoring the same and will advise further as may be appropriate.

Should members have any queries or concerns, they are asked to contact the Association:

Source : Skuld P&I Club
11 June 2014