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ACQ 2016-1



Pre-arrival security initiative at Singapore

The Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has recently issued a circular requiring, with effect from July 1, all passenger ships, cargo ships of 500 gross tons and upwards, and mobile offshore drilling units to complete a Pre-Arrival Notification of Security (PANS), which must be faxed to the port’s Maritime Security Department at least 24 hours prior to arrival.

The PANS form requires masters to provide details, including the ship’s local agent, purpose of call at Singapore, information about its International Ship Security certification, and the last ten ports of call.

The MPA circular also contains guidance for ISPS-compliant ships calling at Singapore following calls at non-ISPS-compliant ports.

The includes a list of security checks that the MPA recommends are implemented and completed by such ships before calling at Singapore, and declared in the PANS form submitted to the port’s Maritime Security Department.

For more information, go to the MPA website at:images/circulars/pc04-15.pdf

This article details the latest regulations and supersedes the earlier article dated 3 May 04.

Source : The London P&I Club Stoploss Bulletin
01 Aug 2004